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Holly & Mason: Engaged

[intro]This cute couple recently got married and we couldn’t be happier for them! We asked them to share all the details about how they met and fell in love. Here’s what they had to say:[/intro]

How did you guys meet?

H: We met at the Riviera! We actually almost didn’t meet because I was about to move out into a different apt complex, but a week before I was suppose to move out, I felt a really strong impression to stay at the Riv. I wasn’t too happy about that because I was moving into a really nice apt complex. So I jokingly said in a prayer,”Alright! If I’m going to stay here, I better find my future husband.” Two months later, Mason knocked on my door.

M: Like Holly said, we met at the Riviera. Not something we brag about ;). She was in my singles ward and I had noticed her once or twice before just at different activities I had gone to, but hadn’t tried talking to her yet. I was still in a awkward phase and she was too cute to just walk up to. I returned home from serving a mission and three weeks later I moved up to Provo. So I was still trying to get into the swing of social life again. But I needed to meet up with her roommate for some church stuff, and when I came over she answered the door!


First thoughts about one another after you met?

H:Well, when I first met Mason, he was knocking on my door for my roommate! (He was the FHE Co-chair with my roommate, I just like to tease him about that) I thought he was super cute, so I asked if he wanted to go to a concert with me the next day. He said no.
I still thought he was cute ;).

M: First off, I would just like to add that I did repent of my ways and we did go on that date. 🙂 So like she said, I met her at her doorstep looking for her roommate. I remember she was wearing an old gray t-shirt with flour all over herself from trying to cook something. She just gave me a big smile and started chatting away! I remembered thinking she was really cute all covered in flour with her big pretty eyes and huge smile. I felt super bad that I had already made plans with a friend and said no at first to the date. I thought she was really nice and super pretty!


Who said “I love you” first?

M: I did! She agreed 🙂



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Tell us about your first date:

H: After telling me no (he was “busy” ;), I still needed to get rid of this ticket! I was going with my best friend and her husband, and I really didn’t want to go without a date. I was about to post on fb if anyone wanted to go with me, when Mason texted me and said that his plans fell through and if the ticket was still on the table. I said yes and am SO glad I did! We went up to Temple Square and listened to “An Austrian Cello Concerto and a Russian Symphony.” I had no idea if Mason even liked classical music, so when I realized this would be our first date, I freaked out! But, he seemed to love it, and I loved having him there! It was so easy to talk with him, it was like we had been best friends for years and were just finally catching up after not seeing each other for 21 years :).

M: To be completely honest, I was SOOO nervous. By looking at Holly’s thought’s though it looks like I covered it up pretty well though! 😉 She took me up to Salt Lake City to Temple Square to a classical music concert with her two married friends. I felt a little bad cause I was kind of taken back by all the sights around temple square that I wasn’t overly talkative. But I do remember having a great time! She wore her cute elephant shirt and a lovely skirt. I also remember that as we were walking around temple square, she kept “accidentally” bumping into me with her hand. She said she had surgery on that arm, so she lost feeling in that arm, but I think I always knew there were other motives there. 😉


Tell us about your first kiss:

H: To be honest, I can’t remember our first kiss! I think it was when he was dropping me off after a date, and he just swooped in! I do remember the date before! I really wanted him to kiss me. I was giving him all the signals, but he was just not buying it. I think he finally caught on after he left, because the next date was when he finally kissed me!
M: Well, in general picking up on, “the signals,” has never quite been my, forte…. And I can’t remember every detail of what or when it happened exactly, like Holly said, it was after a date. I just remember thinking, well, this could go really well, or REALLY bad… luckily she was okay with it! 🙂


How did you know he/she was the one?

H: Two moments pop into my head to answer this question.
Mason is a really nice, kind person. And I’ve always wanted someone like that. And just seeing him interact with people, in many different group settings, I just knew I wanted to marry someone who was THAT kind of guy. The guy you can always expect to be there and smiling :).
I told Mason that I wanted to serve a mission, and he fully supported me. But, after being in the MTC and us both receiving some promptings from above (but never telling the other), he wrote me a letter saying how much he loved me. He said that he wanted to get married, but if I decided to stay, he would still support me, 110%! At first, I told him no. But I soon found out that no was not the right answer. I left the MTC after 12 days, came home, called him up and said,”Hey! I’m home! And I really want to marry you, and I hope you still want to marry me, because I came home for you! So, gimme a call when you get this message! K, bye!”

I know, super romantic. But, that’s how I knew!
M: Well, for me it’s hard to pin-point an exact time, I fell in love with her not all at once, but at certain times I came to gain a much deeper appreciation for her. Kind of like a glimpse at her whole picture. Just seeing how amazing of a person she is all in one look. There was one date that I distinctly remember, it was when we hadn’t even started dating yet. I had had a particularly rough day at work, and she was having a rough day too. So we decided to blow off some steam. She took me to watch the sunset, and I took her out to pizza pie cafe. I remember just talking and laughing with her. She looked absolutely beautiful, and I just felt so peaceful and happy being with her unlike any other girl I had ever taken out. That was definitely one of those moments. 🙂
Another that I can really remember was after driving home from eating dinner at a friends house. We were driving down University avenue and I was just thinking of how amazing the girl sitting next to me was. I remember telling her how I felt, and at that point, I wasn’t sure when, but I knew that she was the woman I wanted to marry.
When she called me to tell me she came home, I was mostly in utter shock. I was nearly speechless, I was just so happy I couldn’t believe it! 🙂

How did he propose?

H: The day I came home, he wanted to propose, but I told him to wait. After a couple of days, I said to forget that, I wanted to seal this deal! The day he did propose, he kept apologizing and saying that it wouldn’t be today, but it was going to happen by the end of the week. “But, lets go out to eat at our restaurant!” I was pretty chill with doing whatever, so we went to La Jolla Groves (it’s “our restaurant”) then, because I love sunsets, he wanted to go walk around the temple grounds and watch the sunset! I had no idea my girlfriends had been hiding in the bushes with cameras for two hours waiting for us to get there! We go behind the temple, walk around a bit, and when I try to keep walking, he holds me back. I turned around and saw him kneeling on the ground, at which point I said,”You bum!”

M: Well, I knew that she was expecting me to propose in the near future, so I wanted to go about it in a way that would still take her by surprise! 🙂 That night I told her that I wasn’t feeling too well, and apologized that I wasn’t going to be able to propose that night. (I threw her off the scent pretty well I’d say;). I first took her out to dinner at our favorite restaurant, La Jolla Groves. We had a great time, but it took a bit longer than I had anticipated, so our friends were chilling at the temple for a bit longer… Haha. They were troopers and hid in the bushes back behind the temple. After dinner I took her to go watch the sunset and walk around the temple. We got to the back of the temple where all the nice flowers are. The birds were going crazy when we walked up, they were all chirping loudly in the trees. I was REALLY nervous, even though I knew she would say yes. She kept walking and I waited a bit then pulled back a little on her arm to get her to turn around. I knelt down quickly and she turned around and called me a bum. Haha. I told her how I felt about her and how I didn’t want to wait another day to be engaged to such an incredible woman. And the best part was she said YES!!! 😀



Photo credit: Moxie Photography

Location: Provo, Utah


Prev Emily and Boyd: Engaged!
Next Holly and Mason: Married!

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