
Harris Family

[intro]Look what I just found! Happy “Throw Back Thursday” and check out the Harris Family interview in 2013:[/intro]

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Grace’s Maternity

[intro]This cute mama is due really soon! I’m SO excited for Grace and Nate. They are going to be great parents! I asked Grace to share some details about her pregnancy with us and here’s what she had to say:[/intro]

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3+1=4: Congrats Oleniks!

[intro]This baby just arrived not too long ago! [/intro]

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What They’re Saying: Chelsey I Utah Family Photographer

[intro]What are Moxie Clients saying about us? Let’s hear it from Chelsey![/intro]

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Aivy’s 1st Birthday I Utah Family Photographer

[intro]She sat there at first playing with the frosting in her fingers, looking at her mom to see if it was ok. Meghan told her to dig in and she went for it, face first! [/intro]

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Baby Peter I Utah Infant Photographer

[intro]She held him close and whispered in his ear. Almost as suddenly as his whimpers started, she soothed them away. Ashley and Todd are first time parents, but Peter fits in[/intro]

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