
What They’re Saying: Amy Carlin I Salt Lake City Wedding Photographer

[intro]What are Moxie Clients saying about us? Let’s hear it from one of our brides, Amy![/intro]

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What They’re Saying: Berry’s I Salt Lake City Wedding Photographer

[intro]What are Moxie Clients saying about us? Let’s hear it from Ashley![/intro]

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What They’re Saying: The Tanners

[intro]What are our clients saying about us? Let’s hear it from Erica:[/intro]

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Alexandra & Steen: First Look I Utah Wedding Photographer

[intro]Alexandra and Steen chose to do a “first look” at their groomal session prior to their wedding day. I love it when couples do this! It’s so special, and truly captures that moment perfectly.[/intro]

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Gen and Spencer: Temple Photos I Utah Wedding Photographer

[intro]Who said “I love you” first? Spencer took the leap first, but I said it soon after!   Tell us about your first date: We went up to Salt Lake for a Jazz game. I was nervous about running out of things to say. I just worried that [/intro]

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Janie’s Bridals I Salt Lake City Wedding Photographer

[intro]Janie and Rich are one of those couples that have been together forever. We asked her to tell us about their history! Hope you enjoy reading about their love story as you check out her bridal session.[/intro]

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10 biggest things brides forget on their wedding day I Salt Lake City Wedding Photographer

[intro]You’ve been planning for months (Or let’s be real here: more like since you were 5 years old!) and the BIGGEST and HAPPIEST day of your life has finally arrived! You’re going to the chapel and you’re gonna get m-a-a-arried. . . but have your remembered all the last minute details? Let’s hope you see this post before it’s too late![/intro]

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Jillian’s Bridals I Salt Lake City Wedding Photographer

[intro]We all love to hear a good proposal, right? I asked Jillian to share hers! Here are all the sweet details Josh planned.[/intro]

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