Tag:Natural Light

Kaylie’s Seniors

[intro]Kaylie is enjoying a little summer break before she starts college. We couldn’t be happier for this awesome girl![/intro]

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Mallory & Cole: Engaged!

[intro]We adore Mallory and Cole! They are such a great couple! We asked Mallory to spill all the details about how their love story and here’s what she had to say:[/intro]

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3+1=4: Congrats Oleniks!

[intro]This baby just arrived not too long ago! [/intro]

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Parkin Family

  [intro]Before we even met, I felt like I knew Angie. We were planning this family session with the Parkins for nearly a year. I had the BEST time photographing them. They’re adventurous, fun, caring, patient. . . and you can tell just by watching them that this family loves each other very much.[/intro]

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Jetta & Griffin: Engaged!

[intro]We just adore Jetta & Griffin! We’re so excited for their wedding. They shared their own love story with us. Read about how they met and be prepared to fall in love with this couple:[/intro]

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Savannah’s Seniors

[intro]”Are you sure you want to do this today?” I asked “Sure- why not?” Savannah responded. . . [/intro]

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Meet Cute Kelsey

[intro]Kelsey and her mom’s session was awesome! I loved every minute of it. That little girl wins the prize of “4-Year-Old of the Year” for sure! She was so sweet and everything she did was adorable. Her mom shared a few things about their family with us:[/intro]

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Amy & Matthew

[intro]We’ve known Amy and Matthew for a long time! We’ve kept in touch since we photographed their fun wedding. Big things have been happening for them, they’ve purchased a home and are starting to fill the walls with photos of their story together. Read all about how they met, and be prepared to fall in love with this couple:[/intro]

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Margot’s Seniors

[intro]We love getting to know our high school seniors and we’s love for you to get to know them too! Meet Margot:[/intro]

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Christy & Joel: Engaged

[intro]We just adore Christy & Joel! We’re so excited for their wedding later this month. They shared their own love story with us. Read about how they met and be prepared to fall in love with this couple:[/intro]

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