“You Look Disgusting” Video: My thoughts
[intro]This sort of thing kills me. Kills me! It’s hard for me to watch something like this and not want to instantly hug that beautiful young woman.[/intro]Who creates these crazy impossible standards and then brainwashes our society into believing that they’re acceptable? Things that are said to girls shape who they become. Both positive and negative comments contribute.
Forever I’ll grateful to a mother who somehow instilled a sense of confidence in me and my sisters. That is what I hope to be able to pass that on to my girls. It’s hard to raise them in this world of image, hate, and the internet
I had my fair share of negative things that got into my subconscious that are still hard to overcome at times, but in general I like who I am. .
If you are struggling with yourself know this-
You are perfect the way you are. Be who you want to be, and forget about what other people think.
You are more than your appearance. Made for more than just to look pretty.
You are inherently beautiful just because you are you.
What do you guys think? What were some things that made you confident or insecure growing up?